Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Southside Hustings 2015

Here is a list of all the Southside husting events that we've been able to find. If you hear of any more, then let us know and we'll add them. Glasgow Central 17 April Garnethill Community Council (You can click here to watch a recording by Democracy TV) 23 April (Environmental Issues) Adelaide’s, Glasgow Central 25 April 19:15 Glasgow Central Mosque, 1 Mosque Avenue 30 April 19:00 Larkfield Centre, 39 Inglefield Street, Govanhill, G42 7AY Glasgow South 16 April Langside Parish Church (You can click here to watch a recording by Democracy TV) 21 April 19:30 Cathcart Trinty Church, 90...

[For full story please visit]

via Southside Happenings

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Temporary test

please forgive us we are temporarily testing our system.

via Adam and Joe Podcast

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Sunken Ripples: Playful Interaction in an Underwater World

We recently completed two showings of the Sunken Ripples Interactive Experience, where a spherical display acts as a portal to an underwater world. During Sunken Ripples, audience members can interact with the sphere to control the jellyfish creatures on the … Continue reading

via Performative Interaction @ Glasgow Uni

Monday, April 13, 2015

The kit list to end all kit lists

Here’s a treat for all you gear nerds. A few weeks ago I found myself with a spare morning (or at least, the disinclination to fill it with anything more useful), and decided to spend it clearing out my panniers, going through all my stuff, tidying, itemizing, editing and repacking it all. I was staying […]

via That Emily Chappell

Monday, April 6, 2015

The writers’ blessing

I’m going to issue one of those typical blogger complaints/apologies: that, in trying to live as interesting a life as possible, in order to create entertaining blog posts (as well as for personal enrichment, etc.), I have left myself very little time or energy actually write them. I have, as you may well have guessed, […]

via That Emily Chappell


I backed the Kickstart campaign for TinyScreen, which adds a colour OLED display to the TinyDuino platform, thinking this would make a neat badge for the Maker Faires. Well it arrived just in time with Edinburgh Mini Maker Faire in two weeks followed by Maker Faire UK in Newcastle the following weekend. I opened each […]

via markcra's designin' makin' and doin's

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Arduino IDE 1.6.3 released and available for download

A new version of the Arduino IDE (1.6.3) is available at the download page! The Arduino IDE 1.6.3 is a bug fix release: after having released 1.6.2 with new libraries and cores managers, we received lots of useful feedback and fixed a handful of bugs. In particular: Fixed some impolite crashes on some Linux distributions […]

via Arduino Blog