Monday, November 24, 2014

Why learning through making matters

The poppy installation at the Tower of London seems to have moved all who have seen it, capturing the immensity of the human cost of needless war. Certainly it triggered debate, which is always a positive thing. The irony is that in the week this installation by ceramicist Paul Cummins captured the public imagination, so […]

via Mike Press

Thursday, November 20, 2014

May Month of pieces

May was a month of pieces, developing new work for BlueBlock Studo with Katy Wilson, making workshops on the voice with some young people in livingston, playing music, recording, and thinking more about how and what an album if I got round to making one might sound and look like. I played a show as […]

via kimikomoore

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

On doing well

I’m not depressed any more. And hopefully I won’t be for a very long time, although I won’t be so naïve as to claim that I’ve beaten the disease into submission forever. And life with all of its colours and its contours restored is a very lovely place indeed. But it’s not all plain sailing. [...]

via That Emily Chappell

Craft Manifesto

The Crafts Council today launches its Education Manifesto. There’s a good debate to be had around ideas of craft. Does it encompass all aspects of making? And while it might seem a superficial question, does the deference to a sort of ‘keep calm and carry on’ visual language help widen out that debate?

via Visual Communication

The Radio and the Commons

20th-21st November 2014.

ForestCentre+, 38 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh EH3 9SJ

The Radio and the Commons is a two-day event by mobile hacklab FreeMachines. The programme will explore the power of radio in contemporary society, and propose radical ways in which it could be co-opted by the public in the digital age.

In the context of the forthcoming digital radio switchover, can we make use of the old public AM/FM radio bands, and turn it into a new commons? Roel Roscam Abbing and Jack James will discuss on the first night, and also lead the 'Write the Wave' workshop the following day.

read more

via New Media Scotland

Potted History

Edwin Pickstone: ‘A potted history of the alphabet and its designs’ Principal Seminar Room 1, Reid Building, 14 Jan 2015, 1pm Looking at the histories of type design, Pickstone will speak about particular fonts linked to works in the exhibition, including Eric Gill Gill Sans and Alasdair Gray. All welcome, no need to book via […]

via Visual Communication

LED Cube

I’ve seen many LED cube projects pop up on relevant blogs (HackaDay and MAKE blog to name two) and wanted to make my own but it never reached the top of my todo list until I recently started playing with the WS2812 RGB LEDs (more commonly known to some as NeoPixels). These delightful LEDs come […]

via markcra's designin' makin' and doin's

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I can’t go on, I’ll go on

I finally booked my flights to Anchorage the other night, so now, after two years of planning and dreaming (and rethinking and deferring), I am officially on my way to Alaska. It hardly seems real, but I assure myself it is. Strange, when something has inhabited the inside of your head for so long, to [...]

via That Emily Chappell

What Eric, Gijs and OSP Are Up To

osp presents Visual Culture a Tool for Design Collaboration — KissKissBankBank.

via Visual Communication


These are all sans-serif compounds. Serif compounds are dramatically different and usually much more reactive.
